Welcome to Felix's Famous Cookies!
Felix's Famous Cookies are made from scratch using Grandma Toni’s melt-in-your-mouth Mexican tea cookie recipe. Commonly called “pan de polvo” or "polvorones," these cookies are a family tradition and are truly the flakiest, tastiest cookie ever!
The cookies are delicate and will melt in your mouth! They are covered with a fresh ground cinnamon-sugar mix or powdered sugar. Our cookies are made by hand using only quality ingredients. We do not add any preservatives and they are egg and dairy free. Each order is carefully packed and sent to you so that you can enjoy them as soon as possible.
Treat yourself to some of Felix’s Famous Cookies - A Yummy Tradition. You will not find a more delicious or authentic Mexican tea cookie anywhere!
Felix Castillo
Charity of the Month:
As we launch our Fall 2021 sale, we are still looking for a charity to partner up with. If you have a non-profit who you feel would like to receive a portion of our sells, please submit their contact information to Info@FelixsFamousCookies.com.
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